Here’s What You Get
When you join BRAR, you get a whole buffet of goodies! For starters, legal and easy access to Bright MLS. Bright is one of the largest regional multiple listing services in the nation and provides all the tools needed to market and search for listings and information that will serve you and your clients/customers. They offer periodic hands-on training through the affiliation with BRAR if you need help or are seeking a higher level of user operation.
We offer dozens of educational opportunities, both for renewal of your Virginia real estate license or for career development. Classes are small enough in size to allow for give and take. You’ll receive notices about upcoming classes and BRAR staff will help keep you in compliance with both NAR requirements as well as state licensing regulation.
BRAR is always advocating for its members with lawmakers, local officials in the counties we serve, and in unison with Virginia REALTORS® (VR) at the state and federal levels. This benefit keeps more money in your pockets and less regulation in regard to private property rights by using our resources and RPAC (REALTOR® Political Action Committee) funds to fight issues and elect candidates who support the real estate industry and homeowners.
We offer several events throughout the year in cooperation with our Affiliates and with our member Committees to allow you a chance to socialize with your peers. You’ll make great friends and build lasting working relationships through attendance at these events.
BRAR has a REALTOR® Store at our office building for signage and many other items that can enhance your efforts and show pride in your industry and career. Stop in and take a look anytime.
You will have the opportunity to participate on committees, work groups and other teams to help build our association into an even more special organization. Plenty of chances to develop your leadership skills and give back to our terrific association.
The list goes on and on, but you will get so much “bang for your buck” by becoming a member and maintaining your membership in BRAR. We are happy to serve you.